LASER Excimer
LASIK, short for Laser In Situ Keratomileusis, is the most frequently used technique by refractive surgeons in USA (92.3%) and Europe. Lasik is performed in two steps:
Lasik surgery.
- During the first step, a thin corneal flap is performed, using an automated micro-keratom or with a femtosecond laser.
- The flap is then lifted and stays attached to the peripheral cornea.
- Computer-assisted Excimer Laser is applied to the stroma underneath the lifted flap in order to shape the cornea according to the preoperative refraction error.
- The flap is then re-applied without sutures.
- Spontaneous adhesion occurs in few days.
There is no pain following surgery but itching can occur for few hours. Visual recovery is fast, usually in few hours as no epithelial abrasion is performed on the surface of the cornea.
Lasik indications are moderate and high degrees of refractive errors of myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.
Since 2008, Doctor Assaf is performing flaps in some indications, with the Femtosecond laser LDV (Ziemer).
Since 2007, he’s treating presbyopia combined with myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism with the Optimized Global Monovision technique which provides a better range accommodation for near vision.
Doctor Assaf is also using the most recent profile ablations softwares allowing treatment of abnormal corneas with refractive surgery keeping the natural prolate form of the cornea optimizing quality of vision (Eye Q).
Excimer Laser – Other techniques :
- Lasek
- Lasik surgery.
- Aberrometry and wave front customized visual correction
- ULTRA-THIN LASIK and Sub-bowman Keratomileusis (SBKM)