Le Pentacam est un appareil permettant d’analyser l’œil sans contact avec une caméra vidéo, faisant le pourtour externe de l’œil et permettant la mesure des paramètres cliniques suivants :
- Anterior corneal topography
- Anterior elevation
- Posterior elevation
- Sagittal and tangential analyse of the cornea
- Cornea thickness
- Anterior chamber depth
- Irido-corneal angle
- Anterior chamber volume...
- Etc…
Pentacam allows the following clinical applications:
- Exclusion of patients with clinical keratoconus .
- Exclusion of patients with infra-clinical keratoconus by measuring posterior elevation
- Ablation profile calculation of the Laser Excimer
- Phakic IOL calculation
- Calculation of the Q-Factor for the FCAT technique applied in the Optimized Global Monovision
- Applying the Topoguided Ablation technique for the retreatment of patients with small optical zone, decentred ablation, irregular astigmatism resulting from previous and old refractive surgery technique (radial keratotomy, Excimer laser without Eye Tracker...).
Technology used by Dr Assaf for refractive surgery: